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FEB 14 2023

KiRegistry announced that Covenantz will now be working to implement Phase III. This next phase will be focused on member experiences and ecosystem solutions integration through our marketplace. Global Anchor tenants, solution partners, and API integrations are welcome in our community. ​ KiRegistry also announced that the ecosystem is completely free to its members.

DEC 30 2022

Seattle-based Covenantz, Inc. announced the launch of Phase II of the KiRegistry Network. Adding a global project library with a unique carbon provenance capability, designed to trace products' carbon impact from source through to installation and lifecycle impact. ​ The new release included advertising capabilities, allowing all members, tenants, and stakeholders to grow their community and services across the network.

MAY 20 2022

Seattle-based Covenantz, Inc. announced that it had over 11,000 global infrastructure projects onboarded at, helping grow the network by over 45,000 new tenants, not including their related stakeholders, supply chains, and millions of data points generating network effects. ​ is an Industry 4.0 Platform (4IR) designed with an eleven-seat steering committee to enable global project delivery efficiencies and defensibly informed policy and environmental decisions for public and private investors alike.

OCT 20 2021 Network 4IR platform launched.

FEB 27 2020

Covenantz was incorporated in Delaware. Headquartered in Seattle, WA.


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