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Introducing KiRegistry powered by Covenantz - Changing the Way the World Builds - an ecosystem to address the complex needs of the Built Environment. 


I've always been fascinated by the built environment and its impact on our daily lives. I grew up in Portugal, where buildings were made to stand for generations, supporting global trade from the 15th-century New World and Silk Road to modern tourism and business. I studied construction management and went to work in Silicon Valley and Seattle, learning both construction and best practices in technology. Then, over the next few decades, I experienced the inefficiencies and entrenched practices holding it back.


That's why I started Covenantz - to focus on disrupting and improving the built environment. We developed a new integrated platform that revolutionizes how we design and create, capture cost savings to owners, and reduce capital risk while being conscious of built structures' impact on our environment. 


Our platform streamlines entire processes, from initial concept to final construction and lifecycle management. It allows financiers, owners, and insurance entities to mitigate risks before the money flows; we improve outcomes and exits earlier in the build process. In addition, our platform enables stakeholders such as architects, engineers, and contractors to collaborate in real-time, eliminating the need for endless meetings and costly delays. And it gives the software developers, manufacturers, and suppliers a network to share and innovate like never before. 


We also incorporate cutting-edge sustainability practices into every aspect of our technology. As a result, our platform supports the global community in creating energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective structures. 


Our Brand Promise, "Changing the Way the World Builds," reflects our commitment to transforming the industry. Our technology has the potential to revolutionize the built environment and create a better future for everyone on Earth.


As the founder, I'm proud to be part of this mission. It's been a challenging journey, but I'm excited about the impact we're making and the opportunities that lie ahead. Together, we can change how the world builds and create a brighter future that stands for generations. Join us!



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